Dear Participants,
The 3rd International Science, Education, Art & Technology Symposium will be held online between September 23-25, 2022, hosted by Buca Faculty of Education, Dokuz Eylül University. ‘100th Year in Education’ has been chosen as the main theme of the symposium and studies are planned to be in line with the main theme of the symposium.
The theme of the 3rd International Science, Education, Art & Technology Symposium, which will be held online between 23-25 September 2022, has been determined as “100th Year in Education”, in honor of the 100th anniversary of the liberation of İzmir. We invite you to our symposium, which aims to bring together education researchers, school administrators, teachers, graduate students and all stakeholders in the field of education in order to contribute to better understanding and addressing this urgent and important theme by sharing your knowledge and expertise. Participants of the virtual symposium will have an opportunity to benefit from keynote speeches and oral presentations and visit online (or face to face) exhibitions.
Submissions will go through a blind peer-review process. Accepted proposals will be announced on the symposium website, and the abstract booklet and full-text proceedings book will be published electronically.
You can find the detailed information about the symposium on https://deubefevents.com/ubest write to befubest@gmail.com for your questions.
Looking forward to meeting you in September, 2022!
Sincerely yours,
Professor Esra BUKOVA GÜZEL Dokuz Eylul University Dean of Buca Faculty of Education