September 8-9th, 2022
Call for Proposals
About the Theme “Commemorating the 100th Anniversary of the Liberation of Izmir: Art for Peace”
For ages, humankind has protected its territory in order to survive and feel safe, so that it can ensure the continuation of its species. To live in peace, to nourish and to breed, humans had to struggle with wild creatures, harsh weather and environmental conditions; and subsequently with different human tribes. Societies living geographically apart from one another developed different languages, and strangeness to eachother became another perceived danger to be overcome. Broadening geographies, new habits, and beliefs; in short cultural changes have become elements of fear for communities migrating in order to find better conditions, prosperity and improvement. The struggle to protect their families, loved ones and themselves during immigration journeys turned people into savage and cruel destroyers.
In our current day, science has proven that only 10% of human behavior is conscious. This is concurrent with the possibility that the human struggle against other humans, nature and the environment may be an unconscious attempt to protect and survive. Now it is time to realize that a safe, livable and happy world can only be created through peace and to this end, unconscious behavior must be replaced with conscious action.
Art, which is an umbrella term that covers many different disciplines, such as visual arts, design, music, dance, literature, cinema and theatre; is a cultural action, a form and a language which allows humans to express their emotions, ideas, philosophies and experiences. This year, in commemoration of the 100th year of the establishment of city of Izmir which sits in place of the 3500 year old ancient Smyrna, IADCE aims to make an art-filled contribution for all those who love humanity, nature and animals.
You are invited to submit an abstract to the upcoming conference organized by the Dokuz Eylul University Buca Faculty of Education Fine Arts Education Department. The International Arts-Design Conference aims to explore the ways in which creative minds use performance and exhibition use the language and tools of arts and design for social, physical and environmental betterment.